The Truth is not Arbitrary or a Matter of Opinion, but can be Investigated, and Those who Earnestly Search for the Truth will Find It. The Truth is Hidden to the Blind, but he who has the Mental Eye Sees the Truth. Shouldn't this be in the 'Don't Panic! Lighten Up!' section? Such wit, I love it. What could one call it, prescience, the shape of things to come or just signs of the times. Thank you for this article. I found the video at the end of the article most interesting, As the elderly gentleman said, this not political, I... This is the mindset within the US political machine. Is it any wonder that they are rapidly becoming a spent force? No asteroid! This is part of the magma ejected from the Tibetan Volcano that produced the Moon. Eve was born of Adam upon the release of pressure... Reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views of the volunteers, editors, and directors of or the Quantum Future Group. Remember, we need your help to collect information on…
Opširnije na link
- Dragan Ološi. Izvršavaju naredbu o propadanju Srbije
- Anti Novi ruski ambasador nije došao džabe u Srbiju. Zna Putin da dolazi finale za Kosovo pa je poslao eksperta koji se na Balkanu…
- Anti Engleski debili koji još umišljaju da su neka sila a igraju u trećoj ligi. Puknem od smeha kada prete Rusima. Najlošiji narod na…
- Dragan Ovaj Stefanović nije džabe dobio nadimak Slina. To je jedan slinavi pokvarenjak koji ni školu nije mogao da završi na redovan…
- Dragan Ovo đubre i ološ je uništio srpsku privredu. Javio se sada da pomogne Vučiću, da izađe opozicija i da legalno pokrade izbore.…
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